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It’s like planting a seed and if it gets nurtured and watered, proper nutrients and sunlight, it will take root. And it will come to fruition. So, your vows that you are taking today will come to fruition. Not tomorrow necessarily, although it begins at this moment, but over time.

When we receive the precepts we really don’t have a clue what it means but as our life unfolds we begin to really appreciate what it’s all about. You’ll notice that I have changed the precepts. I’ve made them more positive rather than negative. Rather than, “refrain from killing,” I said, “appreciate, protect and support all life.” That is how it unfolds. To appreciate all life is not only to appreciate living beings but also includes animal realms and also the inanimate, the plants and the stones, the mountains and the great earth as equal to our own. That is the unfolding of the kai, the life of the Bodhisattva, and the path of the human being.


Jukai  page  4

Hogetsu  2007©

Jukai  1

Jukai  2

Jukai  3


Kanzeon statue
haa test

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